Target group:
Practitioners, Scientists
in presence
Event type:
Conference / Congress / Symposium
OpenLab.brussels; ULB-VUB
Contact person:
openlab@ulb.be, citizenscience@vub.be


The OpenLab.brussels is a joint venture of ULB-VUB dedicated to participatory research. It aims to mobilise our academic community and public or private stakeholders willing to collaborate on participatory research projects in Brussels.

OpenLab.brussels organises this conference that aims to bring together contributions from
researchers and practitioners interested in participatory research projects. Participatory research approaches allow any stakeholder to participate in (parts) of the research process as co-researchers. More than simply increasing research capacity and data collection, these approaches allow more inclusive and sustainable research with increased societal relevance. It also increases diversity in science and contributes to bridging the gap between researchers and society.

Call for Contribution

We welcome people willing to contribute by presenting a paper, sharing experiences and ideas through a clear presentation (with or without a paper), discussion tables, or on-site visits. Selected contributions will be reviewed and published in a special journal issue. For this conference, we are looking more particularly for contributions addressing:

1) The Methodological Challenges of Participatory Research

2) The Practical Challenges of Participatory Research

3) Participatory Research Projects in Brussels

Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions written in English, Dutch, or French of a maximum of 500 words are welcome. Interested? Find all the information and the submission form.
Deadline is July 7th.