Since the first project phase (June 2020 - May 2023), the tdAcademy has focused on four topic lines that examine core questions of transdisciplinary research. The work at the tdAcademy takes place in the two topic lines of societal impact and scientific impact of transdisciplinary research, among others. In addition to impact research, another topic line is concerned with systematically understanding the contextual conditions for transdisciplinary research. Finally, in a fourth topic line, the team is dedicated to new integrative research formats and the question of how these can enrich transdisciplinary research.

Second phase: synthesis work

The four topic lines will remain the same in the second project phase (June 2023 - May 2025), but the topic lines will be more closely interrelated. New questions will be addressed for transdisciplinary research at the interfaces of the topic lines by re-examining, analyzing and enriching data materials and results that have already been collected from an integrative perspective. In this way, independent research work is carried out that is based, firstly, on a question that synthesizes all four topic lines and, secondly, on integration at the interfaces between two topic lines. The aim of the research work in the second phase is thus to systematically link the findings initially developed in parallel in the topic lines with regard to synergies and contradictions.

Topic Line 1: Societal Effects

The aim of transdisciplinary research is to contribute to societal change, whether this means new infrastructures and products, adapted legal framework conditions or altered patterns of behaviour. Under this topic line, we explore how research projects can be supported in terms of systematically reflecting on their societal effects and thereby increasing their potential effectiveness.

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Topic Line 2: Scientific Effects

The aim of transdisciplinary research is to achieve societal change. But what effect does this kind of research actually have on academia? The spectrum of possible effects that transdisciplinary research may generate within academia goes far beyond publications and citations. We will explore this spectrum under topic line 2.

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Topic Line 3: Contextual Dependencies

In transdisciplinary research, a double contextual dependency emerges: on the one hand transdisciplinary research is carried out in specific contexts, but on the other it aims to provide systematisable, operationisable and transferable methods and results. Under topic line 3 we therefore ask how methodological processes can be adapted in order to be able to transfer specific findings and facilitate multifaceted learning processes between cases.

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Topic Line 4: New Formats

If academics and practitioners wish to deal with socially relevant and complex problems and progress transformation in terms of sustainable development, they must work together. We need suitable formats and methods for this transdisciplinary approach. Under this topic line we explore new formats, the contexts in which they are used, and how they can each be adapted. One of our aims is to introduce a system that will make it easier to select suitable formats and newly tailored methods.

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