Target group:
All interested
Event type:
Talk / Lecture / Presentation
Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF)
Contact person:
Martina Schäfer,


We are pleased to announce a public online talk and discussion with Simon Denegri, the director of the Academy of Medical Sciences and former chairman of INVOLVE on 21st of October from 10 to 11.30 am. The event is organized by the working group “Impact” of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF).

Simon Denegri describes the content of the talk as follows:

“In health and social care research we are supposedly united by our desire to make a difference. Asking what this difference is, how it is achieved, with whom, and most importantly, for who, are legitimate questions which can lead to growth and learning. But our answers often reveal fundamental differences in the priorities of research partners and a research culture where ‘He who pays the piper calls the tune?’ is the dominant philosophy in determining what is seen as ‘impact.’ Can participatory research find a way through this intense debate? As citizens and participatory research partners, what can we do to begin to change the tune for everyone?”

The public event will take place in English. Besides Simon’s presentation there will be enough time for questions and discussion. For registration please write a mail to Martina Schäfer ( – you will then receive the link.

 We are looking forward to the talk and lively discussions,

 Sebastian von Peter (MHB Neuruppin) und Martina Schäfer (TU Berlin)