1. GTPF-Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“, 2./3. April 2025

Die Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V. (GTPF) lädt ihre Mitglieder und alle weiteren Interessierten zu ihrer ersten Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“ ein. Die Veranstaltung wird gemeinsam mit der Forschungsplattform tdAcademy organisiert und durchgeführt. Die Tagung findet 2.-3. April 2025 (Beginn 13.30 Uhr, Ende 12.30 Uhr) in Frankfurt am Main statt.

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Become a member of the GTPF and participate in a working group.

Since the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) was founded last year, six working groups have already been established. Members of the tdAcademy are also involved in working groups on Formats, Methods & Context and on Impact (German speaking). If you are interested, please contact the respective coordinators.

Are you located in a German-speaking region? The GTPF welcomes new members and contributors. You can apply for individual or institutional membership here.

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tdAcademy is a knowledge and exchange platform on transdisciplinary research. The tdAcademy pursues three objectives. First, developing and consolidating state of the art insights within the transdisciplinary research community (“Research”). Second, providing high quality capacity building opportunities for transdisciplinary researchers (“Enable”). Third, supporting and further developing the transdisciplinary research community by providing a space for exchange, reflection, collaboration, and new ideas (“Connect”). The international community is actively involved in the project through a group of supporting partner institutions as well as a guest and fellow program.