Participants' answers to the question: What do you take away from today's dialogue forum?
In topic line 2 of the tdAcademy, ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research analyses effects of the transdisciplinary research mode on science. On 25 June 2021, we held a dialogue forum on this topic, where we presented our interim results. The event took place online over the course of half a day. The participants of this dialogue forum were partly the same people we had already interviewed on this topic in February and March: professors from the fields of environmental sociology, sustainable chemistry and participatory health research. We specifically asked people who both conduct transdisciplinary research and at the same time are established within the disciplinary university system. In addition, the two sociologists Peter Wehling, current guest of topic line 2, and Simone Rödder, member of the steering group and the group of supporting partners, took part and contributed their expertise in science research.
First, we presented the project and our research design. In the second part, we presented and discussed how disciplinary research in the three fields of environmental sociology, sustainable chemistry and participatory health research relates to transdisciplinary research. We then gave an overview of the different ways in which transdisciplinary research affects science. In detail, we talked about the effects on research contents and research processes and discussed these results in two small groups. The event ended with a final round.
Throughout the event, there was a lively and interesting exchange in which the participants discussed, among other things, differences and similarities between the three disciplines and effects of transdisciplinary research. We will include these comments and additions of the participants in the further analysis of the empirical material. We would like to thank the participants for the great interest in our work and the pleasure of discussion!