
The collection of  the tdAcademy Capacity-Building-Material has been greatly enriched!

The tdAcademy Fellow Group "Promoting Inclusion and Transformative Action through Narratives in Transdisciplinary Processes" has developed an extensive collection of teaching and learning materials on the importance of narratives in sustainability transformations. The course provides an overview of research and the role of narratives in transformations. It helps to reflect on various perspectives in a socioconstructivist research mode and to understand the complexity of sustainability transformations. The teaching and learning materials include  videos with theoretical inputs, interviews with practitioners, and two case studies. The online course can be used both: as a self-learning course and as open educational material in teaching.

Paula Maria Bögel (University of Vechta), Karoline Augenstein (University of Wuppertal), Meike Levin-Keitel (TU Dortmund), and Anna Sundermann (Leuphana University Lüneburg) contributed to the development of the materials.

The course is available in English. Further information and the entire course material can be found here.