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The working groups (AGs) of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) are central places for discourse and content development in the new professional society. They provide opportunities for exchanging experiences, developing joint projects, and critically reflecting on current debates. Representatives of various communities of participatory research are involved in the AGs, resulting in an enriching exchange. Currently, there are already six AGs and four more are being established. All AGs are open to GTPF members for participation.

Members of the tdAcademy have initiated several AGs and are coordinating activities. This ensures that the topics addressed in the research work of the tdAcademy are pursued and discussed with representatives of other communities. The Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) has initiated the AG "Evaluation of the Qualities of Transdisciplinary Research," which aims to develop evaluation criteria and methods for transdisciplinarity that include not only research projects but also funding programs and scientific institutions.

The AG "Formats, Methods & Context" is coordinated by the Öko-Institut. The focus is on the selection and further development of formats and methods of transdisciplinary and participatory research to ensure inclusive participation.

The Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) at TU Berlin and ISOE also coordinate the AG "Impact", which focuses on the exchange about the impacts of participatory and transdisciplinary research on science and society. Discussions include methods and criteria for capturing impacts and elements of impact-oriented project management.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), together with the Science and Society office at TU Berlin, is actively involved in the establishment of the AG "Institutionalization of Participatory Research Approaches".

Other AGs address topics such as participatory health research, performative sociology, transdisciplinary didactics, real-world laboratories, participatory science communication, and exchange with actors from civil society.

Interested members can contact the GTPF office (info@gtpf.science) or the respective AG spokespersons to participate.

More information and current dates can be found here (only in German): https://www.gtpf.science/arbeitsgruppen