1. GTPF-Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“, 2./3. April 2025

Die Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V. (GTPF) lädt ihre Mitglieder und alle weiteren Interessierten zu ihrer ersten Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“ ein. Die Veranstaltung wird gemeinsam mit der Forschungsplattform tdAcademy organisiert und durchgeführt.

Jetzt anmelden und einen Platz auf der Warteliste sichern.

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Become a member of the GTPF and participate in a working group.

Since the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) was founded last year, six working groups have already been established. Members of the tdAcademy are also involved in working groups on Formats, Methods & Context and on Impact (German speaking). If you are interested, please contact the respective coordinators.

Are you located in a German-speaking region? The GTPF welcomes new members and contributors. You can apply for individual or institutional membership here.

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Our team is currently researching four topics that are central to transdisciplinary research: Contextual dependencies, new formats, and social and scientific effects of transdisciplinary research. What are these topics about? How do we approach them? How can the community support research?

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Our website is a research platform and gathering point for transdisciplinary researchers and research on transdisciplinarity. In the tdCommunity section, researchers with similar interests meet: you can network directly, find partners for collaborations, and draw attention to your own events. In addition, we collect projects together with you to create an overview of the transdisciplinary research landscape.

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tdEvents & Capacity Building

The transdisciplinary research landscape is diverse. Around the research mode we can learn a lot from each other. Therefore, the tdAcademy offers and collects events and further education opportunities. Our event calendar creates an overview: Here you can add your own events on transdisciplinarity.

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15. Januar 2025

1. GTPF-Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“, 2./3. April 2025

Die Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V. (GTPF) lädt ihre Mitglieder und alle weiteren Interessierten zu ihrer ersten Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“ ein. Die Veranstaltung wird gemeinsam mit der Forschungsplattform tdAcademy organisiert und durchgeführt.

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2. Dezember 2024

Video (EN): Health under Climate Pressure…and Why a Transdisciplinary Approach Is Necessary

On 29 November 2024, the webinar “Health under Climate Pressure…and Why a Transdisciplinary Approach Is Necessary” took place and spotlighted the urgent challenges at the intersection of climate and health. Couldn't make it? The webinar was recorded and is now available online.

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Upcoming Events

Guest Talk: Objective Treatment of the Subjective—Transdisciplinary Engagements in the Global South
Talk / Lecture / Presentation

Guest Talk: Objective Treatment of the Subjective—Transdisciplinary Engagements in the Global South

Methods for trans- and interdisciplinary research, Transdisciplinary research, Transformative research
All Interested, Others, Practitioners, Scientists
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One Health & Klimakrise | Klima-assoziierte Effekte auf Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt
Conference / Congress / Symposium

One Health & Klimakrise | Klima-assoziierte Effekte auf Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt

Knowledge transfer, Community building / Networking,
All Interested
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Conference / Congress / Symposium

1. GTPF-Jahrestagung „Neue Horizonte in der transdisziplinären Forschung“, 2./3. April 2025

Methods for trans- and interdisciplinary research, Transdisciplinary research, Community building / Networking, Capacity building
All interested
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Dummy_1 – 5
Conference / Congress / Symposium

Veranstaltung/Call for Participation: Forum für Soziale Innovationen und Gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmen

Transdisciplinary research, Community building / Networking, Capacity building, Collaboration
All interested
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