Become a member of the GTPF and participate in a working group.

Since the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) was founded last year, six working groups have already been established. Members of the tdAcademy are also involved in working groups on Formats, Methods & Context and on Impact (German speaking). If you are interested, please contact the respective coordinators.

Are you located in a German-speaking region? The GTPF welcomes new members and contributors. You can apply for individual or institutional membership here.

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Apply Now! International TD Summer School 2024 in Spain

Our 3rd TD Summer School on transdisciplinarity methods and tools for dealing with sustainability and land use conflicts will take place from September 14th to September 20th 2024 in Llançà, Alt Empordà, Catalonia, Spain. The application deadline has been extended till July 14th!

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Available now: Online course on narratives in sustainability transformations

A massive addition to the tdAcademy's collection of capacity-building material: check out the new online course by the tdAcademy Fellow group "Promoting inclusion and transformative action through narratives in transdisciplinary processes". 

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tdAcademy lives through exchange within the community. Therefore, the group of supporting partners will closely involve other academic institutions within the German-speaking and international community to jointly conduct, promote, and shape transdisciplinary research. The group of supporting partners will be extended continuously. Two representatives from the group of supporting partners will become members of the steering group of the platform tdAcademy.