On 22 November 2023, the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) hosted its first major general assembly in Chemnitz in advance of PartWiss 23. The german-speaking GTPF now has almost 200 members, including 22 institutional supporting members. Over 50 percent of them were present in Chemnitz, some of them joined online. The great interest in the organisation demonstrates the need for transdisciplinary and participatory researchers to network and collaborate - e.g. to work on quality standards but also to bundle forces in the direction of research policy. 

The founding board was replaced in the board election. Christine Ahrend from TU Berlin was elected as Chair of the GTPF Board, Susanne Hecker from the Museum für Naturkunde (MfN) as Deputy Chair and Thorsten Korbun, Managing Director of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) as Treasurer. With Daniel Lang (KIT), Melanie Mbah (Öko-Institut), Martina Schäfer (ZTG of TU Berlin) and Flurina Schneider (ISOE), the tdAcademy is involved in the wider board of the GTPF in order to further support the development of the organisation. Prior to this, 20 proposals were received for working groups within the GTPF, in which tdAcademy is also involved organisationally with the topics of context and formats (KIT and Öko-Institut) and effects (ZTG and ISOE). At the meeting, Matthias Bergmann was thanked as outgoing treasurer with great applause for his commitment to the structural development of the GTPF.

Further information on the german-speaking organization GTPF and membership applications can be found on the GTPF website (German language).