- Topic:
- Target group:
- All Interested,PhD,Postdoc,Scientists,Undergraduates
- Format:
- Online
- Event type:
- Dialogue
- Language:
- English
- Costs:
- free
- Institution:
- Social-Ecological Systems Institute (SESI), Leuphana University Lüneburg
- Contact person:
- SES.global.conversation@leuphana.de
The panel "A caring ethos in transdisciplinary sustainability science: a dialogue" is the second session of the online event series "SES: A Global Conversation" of the Social-Ecological Systems Institute (SESI) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. The dialogue will bring together Berta Martín-López, Isabel Díaz Reviriego and David Lam who will share and discuss different perspectives on how to best collaborate in sustainability research.
Join us online to discuss, exchange ideas, and start a global conversation about social-ecological systems!
Contact and registration
To get the zoom credentials you can either send us an e-mail to SES.global.conversation@leuphana.de or register for the event here.
About SESI and the event series
SESI is a young institute where researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds investigate interconnections between nature and people and develop new approaches to gain a better understanding of social-ecological systems all around the world.
Their particular foci are as multifaceted as the study areas they cover:
- questions on equity and justice in conservation contexts,
- the relations of people to their environment,
- studies on species and their habitats,
- leverage points for sustainability transformations,
- and many more areas are considered likewise.
You can find out more about SESI and the event series here.