Insights from drylands research in Spain: Coupling knowledge co-creation tools with arts-based methods for engaging actors in sustainability transformations.
Methods for trans- and interdisciplinary research, Transdisciplinary research
Target group:
All Interested
Event type:
Talk / Lecture / Presentation
Leuphana University Lüneburg; tdAcademy
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In this webinar, we will introduce some of the research activities that we are developing in the XPaths project ( XPaths aims to create inclusive pathways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in arid regions. Focusing in the work developed in the drylands of South-East Spain, we will present some of the methods conducted to co-create sustainable pathways towards the future in this region. In particular, we will share our experience using the scenario-building method of Three Horizons, which has been adapted to address a variety of SDGs (3H4SDGs).

Methodologically, the 3H4SDGs relies on a structured and deliberative process that combines conventional research approaches to knowledge co-creation (e.g., mental models and conceptual diagrams) with art-based methods (e.g., music and theatre of the oppressed techniques). We seek to spark the discussion about the advantages and potential limitations of employing such a combination of methods to engage stakeholders in sustainability transformations. The insights will shed light on how coupling conventional cognitive tools with art-based techniques can help expand epistemologies towards practical, embodied, and emotional domains in transdisciplinary and transformations research. This webinar is organized within the tdAcademy.

This webinar is held by Dr. Amanda Jiminez Aceituno and Dr. María D. López Rodríguez. Amanda is a researcher at the Social-Ecological Systems Institute (SESI) at Leuphana University Lüneburg and at Stockholm Resillience Centre. Maria works as a researcher at SociECOS Lab at the University of Almería in Spain and visits Leuphana as a guest at SESI from April to May 2023 within the tdAcademy’s Guest and Fellowship Programme funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The event takes place at Leuphana Campus (Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg). Room C40.154.