- Target group:
- All Interested, Scientists, Practitioners
- Format:
- Online
- Event type:
- Seminar / Online Seminar
- Language:
- English
- Costs:
- free
- Institution:
- tdAcademy; ZTG/TU Berlin; eawag
- Contact person:
- Annabell Lamberth (annabell.lamberth@tu-berlin.de)
How and why does change occur? This question is essential for inter- and transdisciplinary research projects and programs aiming at contributing to societal change. As a method, Theory of Change (ToC) provides a means to develop a case-related answer to this question through a participatory process. As a result, ToCs map the assumed relationships between project or program activities and short-, medium-, and long-term changes, while making the assumptions about why and how changes occur explicit. Hence, ToC can be considered a process as well as a product – a process that needs to be carefully led to develop a viable product that shows the assumed impact pathways.
ToC has gained remarkable attention in inter- and transdisciplinary contexts within recent years. Today, different guidelines and approaches to develop ToCs can be found in the literature. This can make it difficult for inter- and transdisciplinary researchers to select and apply suitable ToC approaches as well as define and reflect their own roles in ToC processes.
Based on examples from three applications of ToC by eawag, tdAcademy and ZTG, this webinar presents different ToC approaches. It also introduces a spectrum of functions ToCs may fulfill and diverse roles ‘leaders’ of ToC processes may assume. The webinar will elaborate on the opportunities and challenges connected to these roles and provide inter- and transdisciplinary researchers with a framework to consciously choose and reflect their own roles (and the roles of others) in ToC processes.
The webinar is a result of a collaborative working process between the tdAcademy team at ZTG (Martina Schäfer, Josefa Kny, Emilia Nagy) and Sabine Hoffmann (eawag) during her fellowship at ZTG in May 2022.
Please register for the online event by sending an email to Annabell Lamberth: annabell.lamberth@tu-berlin.de You will receive the login information shortly before the event.