- Topic:
- Target group:
- Scientists
- Format:
- Online
- Event type:
- Dialogue
- Language:
- English
- Costs:
- free
- Institution:
- Pathways initiative/ Future Earth
- Contact person:
- Pathways initiative
The Pathways Forum is a bi-monthly online event where experts get a chance to critically reflect and exchange on the conceptual and practical implications of doing sustainability research and engaging in transdisciplinarity.
This inaugural Forum will be an introductory self-reflection on three dimensions of sustainability research:
(1) how to bridge the gap between global challenges and local initiatives through a pathways approach,
(2) how to engage in collaborative research in multicultural and multidisciplinary contexts, and
(3) how the normative underpinnings of sustainability research influence the way research is done and valued.
Following short presentations by our speakers on these topics, all attendees will be able to participate in an open discussion.
Speakers: Oonsie Biggs (Stellenbosch University), Adrian Ely (University of Sussex), Flurina Schneider (Institute for Social-Ecological Research)
Please note that the forum will be recorded.
To participate please register here.